
Welcome to Beauchief

Beauchief Golf Club encourages all who come to the course to join the Club so you may:
- Learn to play the game correctly to long-established rules.
- Learn the etiquette of golf and know how to take care of the course.
- Enter competitions to improve your ability.


As far as is practically possible, the Club promotes equality of opportunity to participate in the game of golf for all sections of the community.

The Constitution of the Club sets out the framework for these aims.The Club has adopted the Equity Statement issued jointly by the English Golf Union and the English Ladies' Golf Association:

The Club agrees:

- To the principle of equal opportunity for all in their pursuit of inclusion into the game of golf or its administration
- To oppose intentional or unintentional direct or indirect discrimination
- That employees or volunteers will have access to any guidance which may be adopted by the Club or its Management Committee in pursuit of this commitment
- To recognise their legal obligations under the following acts:
The Disability Discrimination Act
The Equal Pay Act
The Equality Act
The Human Rights Act
The Protection from Harassment Act
The Race Relations Act
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
The Sex Discrimination Act

Equality Issues is an agenda item at all meetings of the Management Committee.

Privacy Policy Statement

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018 and replaced previous Data Protection laws.

Beauchief Golf Club ("the Club") holds personal information about each member in order to manage the member's involvement in the Club. This is generally contact information but includes date of birth and financial history related to subscriptions and competition fees.

Most personal details are received direct from the member but some, such as records of scores at other clubs, comes from other golf organisations.

The Club, in order to manage players' handicaps in the national scheme, shares some data with England Golf.

The Club uses software supplied by Club Systems International Ltd, a recognised supplier to golf clubs, for maintaining membership and handicap records and managing our website.

The Club limits the information held to the minimum required for these purposes and does not share it with any third-party organisations except as necessary to carry out its obligations to members.

The Club deletes all personal information two years after an individual ceases to be a member of the Club.

Access to member records is limited to those committee and sub-committee members who need to maintain and use such details for Club purposes. Each has a personal pass coded login. There is an annual review of these officers to ensure that they each still have a need for access and to remind them of their responsibilities under these regulations.

Members have the right to object to how the Club processes their information and have a right to access, correct, delete and restrict the personal information the Club uses.

Each member is encouraged to check the data held by the Club - registered users of the this Club website may view their own personal contact details in the Members Area / Member Details. This also has links to their own Privacy Settings to allow personal choice of what other members can see in the Members List. By individual request, the Club can provide a printout of the data.

Members are encouraged to contact the Club as soon as they make a change to their data or find an error in the details recorded by the Club.

This policy will be reviewed annually or whenever further guidance on the GDPR is received.

Any matters arising from this policy should be in writing to: The Secretary, Beauchief Golf Club, Abbey Lane, Sheffield S8 0DB