A fully revised and updated version of the Constitution was approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting held in the clubhouse on Monday 7th October 2024.
A minor amendment to the new Constitution rule 4 (b), in respect of voting rights, was approved at the Annual General Meeting held in the clubhouse on Monday 2nd December 2024.
A copy of the updated Constitution can be downloaded using the link below.
1. Name
The name shall be Beauchief Golf Club hereinafter called “the Club”.
The Club shall be a 'not for profit’ organisation.
2. Definitions
The following definitions will hereinafter mean:
AGM – the Club Annual General Meeting
Club website – beauchiefgolfclub@gmail.com
Committee – the Club Management Committee
Full Member(s) – members of the Club in section 4(a) below, in categories 1,2,3,4 and 7 only
Member(s) – members of the Club in section 4(a) below, in any category
SUGC – Sheffield Union of Golf Clubs
WHS – World Handicap System
YLCGA – Yorkshire Ladies County Golf Association
YUGC – Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs
3. Objectives
The objectives of the Club shall be:
(a) To promote and further the interests of golf, including the organising and holding of competitions for the benefit of Members.
(b) To recognise the R&A as the body responsible for the rules of golf and amateur status and to abide by them in the competitive playing of the game.
(c) To ensure that there is an appointed ‘Competitions and Handicap committee’ as required under the rules of golf and the rules of handicapping, which shall have control of competition and handicapping matters at the Club.
(d) To adopt the principles and practice of the Safeguarding; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I); and Disciplinary policies of England Golf. (Viewable in full on the Club website)
(d) To give monies to appropriate charities, if agreed by Full Members at the AGM, and to support other charities throughout the year.
(e) To use any surplus funds for the benefit of Members.
4. Membership
(a) There shall be seven categories of Membership:
1. Life
2. Honorary
3. Ordinary
4. Young Adult
5. Junior
6. Non-Playing/Social
7. Senior Long-Standing
1. Life Membership
Awarded to Members in recognition of outstanding service to the Club. It may be proposed and seconded by Full Members of at least five years standing. Any such proposal must be sent in writing to the Secretary before the 1st September for approval by the Committee. If approved, the proposal will be added to the AGM agenda. Election will be by a majority vote of Full Members attending the AGM.
2. Honorary Membership
Awarded, at the discretion of the Committee, to anyone who has given notable service to the Club.
3. Ordinary Membership
Any Member aged 30 and over on 1st January of the Membership year.
4. Young Adult Membership
Any Member aged between 18 and 29 on 1st January of the Membership year.
5. Junior Membership
Any Member aged under 18 on 1st January of the Membership year.
6. Non-Playing/Social Membership
A Membership category for those wishing to retain an association with the Club. This includes Members who are unable to play for extended periods due to age, health or incapacity reasons.
7. Senior Long-Standing Membership
Previously awarded for "Age and Service Honorary Membership” (aged 75+ and 10+ years membership) before 1st January 2014. Closed to any additional Members since that date.
(b) Voting rights: only Full Members, with Club membership of more than 6 months, shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings.
(c) Application for Membership shall be made on current application forms provided by the Club. Details of applicants shall be available for Members to view for at least 14 days before the Club accepts the applicant as a Member. The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application for Membership.
(d) Where not provided for in these General Rules, the conditions of Membership (if any) shall be decided by the Committee and any such conditions shall be displayed by the Club.
5. Joining Fees and Subscriptions
(a) The Joining Fees and/or Annual Subscriptions for categories 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be fixed from time to time by an ordinary resolution at the AGM, or at any General Meeting of the Club.
(b) Annual Subscriptions are due in advance on the 1st December of each year (for the year commencing 1st January following) and must be paid before the 31st January of that year.
(c) A Member whose subscription has not been paid by the last day of January will cease to be a Member, subject to the discretion of the Committee. Any such former Member may apply to rejoin the Club in the usual way, but a new Joining Fee will be payable.
(d) No Member will be eligible to enter any competition of the Club, after the 31st January, until the Annual Subscription has been paid.
(e) New Members accepted after the 31st August will not be liable to pay the Annual Subscription due on the 1st December of the same year.
(f) Categories 1 and 2 of Membership will not be required to pay an Annual Subscription fee but will be liable for the affiliation elements of the fee, if still playing.
6. Officers & the Committee
(a) The Committee shall consist of ten Officers, eight Committee Members and the Immediate Past President who shall be an ex-officio Member. Subject to the provisions contained in these rules, the management and control of the assets, funds and affairs of the Club shall be vested in the Committee. The Committee shall be representative of as wide a spectrum of the Club Membership as possible.
(b) Officers: shall be the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Men’s Captain, the Ladies Captain, the Men’s Vice-Captain, the Ladies Vice-Captain, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Admin Officer. The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Admin Officer and Vice Captains shall be elected at an AGM to serve for three years from the 1st January following the AGM. N.B. The Vice Captains will become Captains and then Vice-Presidents in successive years. Any retiring President, Secretary, Treasurer or Admin Officer shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
(c) Committee Members: at each AGM, four Committee Members shall be elected to each serve for two years, from the 1st January following the AGM. Committee Members who have completed their term of office shall be eligible for re-election.
These eight Committee Members will each be expected to adopt a specific role on the Committee, covering areas such as Men’s Competitions and Handicaps, Ladies’ Competitions and Handicaps, Seniors, Rabbits, Juniors, Membership, Social activities, Recruitment.
7. Electoral Rules and Procedures
To be eligible to stand, for election or re-election, to serve as an Officer or Committee Member, a candidate must be a Full Member of at least two years standing.
(a) The President of the Club shall be proposed by two existing members of the Committee and be a serving member of the Committee if at all possible, having taken an active interest in all aspects of the running of the Club. The President will serve for a three-year term. Nominations should be received by the Club Secretary by 30th September.
(b) The Club Secretary, Treasurer and Admin Officer shall be proposed by two existing members of the Committee and nominations submitted to the Committee who shall appoint a sub-committee, if necessary, to select the candidate to be put forward for election at the next AGM. They serve for a three-year term. Nominations should be received by the Club Secretary by 30th September.
(c) Nominations for Vice-Captains shall be submitted to the Committee who shall appoint a sub-committee, if necessary, to select the candidates to be put forward for election at the following AGM. They serve for three years, as Vice-Captain, Captain and Vice President. Nominations should be received by the Club Secretary by 30th September.
(d) Any two Full Members shall be at liberty to nominate any Full Member(s) to serve on the Committee as a Committee Member. Any member of the Committee who does not intend to stand for re-election should give suitable notice of intent, preferably by 31st August. All Members will be informed before 30th September of any upcoming vacancies on the Committee. Nominations should be received by the Club Secretary by 31st October.
(e) A list of nominations, including the names of retiring Officers and members of the Committee seeking re-election, shall be sent to all Members with a notice convening the AGM.
(f) Each Full Member present at the AGM shall be entitled to vote for any number of candidates, not exceeding the number of vacancies. Where there is more than one candidate for any position a secret ballot shall be held. Scrutineers shall be appointed by the Full Members present to count and certify to the Chair the result of the ballot. If two or more candidates have an equal number of votes, the Chair shall exercise his/her casting vote.
If there are insufficient candidates to fill all the vacancies, the Chair shall have the sole authority to accept candidates from the floor to fill any or all of the remaining vacancies for Committee Members.
8. The Committee
(a) The Committee shall regulate its mode of procedure and shall meet at such times and places as deemed necessary and convenient for the transaction of business. The quorum for conducting any business other than disciplinary matters, shall be eight. All Officers and Committee Members shall have equal voting rights. The President shall chair Committee meetings.
(b) All matters, except where otherwise stated, not unanimously agreed upon by the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of those present. If the votes are equally divided, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
(c) The Committee may delegate any of its powers, except those contained in Rules 4, 8(d) and 8(e) to sub-committees consisting of such members of the Committee or the Club as they think fit. Any sub-committee shall, in exercise of the powers so delegated, conform with any regulations that may be imposed on it by the Committee. Officers shall serve on the Committee and be ex-officio members of any sub-committees.
(d) The Committee may appoint Full Members to fill any outstanding or arising vacancies , or to meet particular needs, as it deems fit. Such Full Members shall hold office until 31st December of that year.
(e) The Committee shall have the power to make, alter or rescind any bye-law or regulations that they deem advisable for the well-being of the Club, provided that the bye-law or regulation is not inconsistent with the General Rules. Any such bye-laws or regulations shall be in force until set aside by a General Meeting of the Club.
(f) The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club and have custody of documents belonging to the Club. The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings and produce the same at all Committee meetings. Also be responsible for the renewal processes for Safeguarding; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; and Disciplinary policies as required by England Golf.
(g) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies in connection with the Club and shall tender an Income and Expenditure account at each Committee meeting. The Treasurer shall also render an annual account, made up to the 30th September each year, to the Auditors.
(h) The Admin Officer shall be responsible for managing the following:
• Computer hardware and software systems
• Annual Membership renewals
• Annual affiliation fees due to YUGC, YLCGA, England Golf and SUGC
• Collection of competition fees
• Act as main administrator for ClubV1, HowDidiDo, WHS Platform and the Club website, and any other software platforms that the Club may replace or be additional to these
• Liaise with England Golf and other appropriate suppliers as necessary
• Liaise with the Club Treasurer, with access to Club’s bank accounts
In the absence of the Secretary, the Treasurer, or the Admin Officer, the Committee may appoint a suitable person(s) to carry out their duties.
9. Conduct of General Meetings
(a) At every General Meeting, each Full Member shall have one vote on any resolution(s) put to the meeting. Other categories of Membership shall not be entitled to vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a second, or casting, vote. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of Full Members is present. A quorum shall be 30 Full Members.
(b) The President shall preside as Chair at every General Meeting of the Club. If the President is not available, the most senior Vice-President shall take the Chair.
10. Annual General Meeting
(a) The AGM shall be held at such a place and hour on such a day in November or December as the Committee may decide, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this. The AGM shall then be held on the earliest suitable/practical date thereafter.
(b) The business of the AGM shall consist of:
1. The consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Report and Financial Statement.
2. The election of Officers and Committee Members.
3. The election of the Honorary Auditor(s).
4. Alterations or additions to these Rules.
5. Such other business as specified in the notice convening the AGM.
(c) No Motion or Resolution relating to matters other than the Accounts, Reports and Election of the Committee and Auditors shall be proposed at the AGM, (except by the consent of the Chair) unless a copy of such motion or resolution has been received by the Secretary on or before 31st October in that year.
(d) Not less than 14 days notice of the AGM and of every Motion and Resolution to be proposed at the AGM shall be sent to every Member, via email.
11. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
The Secretary shall call an EGM at any time when directed by the Committee, or upon receipt of a requisition signed by 50 Full Members and stating the object of the EGM. Such an EGM shall be called within 28 days of either condition being satisfied. Every Full Member shall be notified via email and no other business shall be taken at such an EGM.
12. Disciplinary Procedure
If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be in any way detrimental or injurious to the reputation or interest of the Club or its Members, the Committee shall, and is hereby empowered to, impose disciplinary action on such a Member. The Club shall follow the Disciplinary Regulations as recommended by England Golf. (Viewable in full on the Club website)
13. Alteration of Rules
(a) No alteration of, or addition to, these general Rules shall be made save by a majority of two-thirds of the Full Members present and voting at the AGM or an EGM, called for this purpose.
(b) Notice of any proposed alteration or addition to the Rules at an AGM must be given in writing by a Full Member and received by the Secretary not later than 30th September of that year.
14. Dissolution
If, at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), a resolution for the dissolution of the Club is passed by a majority of three-quarters of Full Members present and voting, the Committee must proceed to realise the property of the Club.
A quorum for such an EGM shall be one hundred Full Members, or 75% of current members, whichever is the lower.
On a ‘winding-up’ of the Club, no surplus shall be distributed other than to another non-profit making body, or in part or in whole to the Members on dissolution.