The Constitution of the Club requires an Annual General Meeting to be held in November or December. The 2023 AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Monday 4th December at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.
Agenda The Secretary will issue an Agenda to all members in advance, normally by email. By exception, members without email addresses will receive it by post.
Minutes The Minutes of the previous AGM.
Annual Report The President's Address to the AGM, the Lady and Men's Captains Reports, the Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet, the Treasurer's Finance Report and the list of Trophy Winners.
These documents will be available to download from approximately mid-November via the ClubV1 Members Hub / Club / Documents / AGM.
All AGM documents for the December 2022 and December 2023 meetings are currently available to download in the above location.
Alongside the AGM papers, the Secretary will provide a Subscription Renewal Form. Subscriptions for the following calendar year are due by 31st December.
Payment by bank transfer is always our preference but other options are possible - see the details on the form.
We don't normally require the renewal form to be returned but it may be used to notify the club if there are any changes to your contact details. Simply complete it and post into the committee letter box. The form can be downloaded - see below.