Course News

Any changes to normal course rules will apply only whilst the appropriate notices are displayed.

Copies of the notices can be downloaded - see the choices at the bottom of the page (if any currently apply).

Competitions and General Play will be qualifying for handicap purposes providing there are no more than 2 temporary greens in play.

From 25th August 2023, new out of bounds posts have been positioned between the 6th and 7th fairways. These are only appropriate whilst playing the 6th hole. It is also intended to plant mature trees to increase the separation between the two fairways.

Temporary Local Rules

Winter Course

A new winter course had been planned for many months and came into operation with effect from Tuesday 21st November 2023. This was to try to avoid some of the areas that become muddy during the winter, through heavy footfall, and to utilise hardcore paths wherever possible. The aim was also to minimise reduction in the course length.

Members playing in competitions may request a Winter Scorecard. A copy of this scorecard can be viewed below.

The two courses, Green tee markers for Men and Orange tee markers for Ladies, are identical except for the 11th, 16th and 18th tees where the ladies will be playing from their traditional tee positions. Other changes are the 3rd green will be on the top but not deemed to be a temporary (preparation and improvement work has been undertaken in recent weeks) and the 5th tee has been moved to below the cottages, making the 5th fairway a straight hole (signs are in place directing you from the 4th green to the new 5th tee position, following the bottom of the roadside bank). This obviously does create a crossover with the 4th and 5th holes so please take appropriate precautions whilst playing in that area.

Both courses have been officially measured and we have received from England Golf a provisional certificate with appropriate Course and Slope Ratings. These are:
GREEN (Men) Course Rating 65.3 Slope Rating 110 Par 67
ORANGE (Women) Course Rating 68.6 Slope Rating 117 Par 69

See below for Course Handicap Tables.